
a)  To advertise the availability for rent of the property or any part thereof, in media which, in the manger’s sole discretion, are suitable for the property and market conditions, the advertisement charges shall be borne by the owner.

b)  To display “For Rent” or “ For Lease “ signs as appropriate  on the property for prospective tenant viewing.

c) With prior consent from the owner, to appoint a real estate broker for sourcing of tenant, signing of agreement with the broking agent and ensuring the payment to the broking agent by the owner, as agreed in writing.

d) To screen prospective occupants/ tenants in accordance with manager’s screening criteria.

e) To collect rental security deposits, monthly rentals and deposits in the owners account and mail the statement of account periodically to the owner.

f) To collect the TDS certificates (Form-16A) and mail it to the owner.

g) To draft the lease agreements and mail/ courier it to owner for their signatures.

h) To request “ SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY “,  in case of owner not presenting himself / herself for the registration of the lease agreements.

i) To advise and guide for the property tax assessments initially and payments of the same regularly either half yearly or annually by the owner.

j) With the prior consent of the owner to co-ordinate with various agencies for minor repairs and payments thereof to the respective agencies, and obtaining the receipts for the same.

k) To advise, guide and ensure the owner for the comprehensive insurance of the property annually, such payment shall be borne by the owner himself / herself.

l) To advise and ensure the payment of the contribution, if any, for the capital equipments maintenance as and when it is advised by the maintenance agency.

The “Owner”  shall indemnify and hold agent harmless from all damage suits in connection with management of the premises and from liability from injury suffered by any employee or other person whomsoever, and to carry, at owner’s expense, necessary public liability insurance in such an amount as to be adequate to protect the interests of the parties hereto, which policies shall be so written as to protect the agent in the same manner and to the same extent they protect the Owner, and will name the agent as co-insured.  The Agent also shall not be liable for any error of judgment or for any mistake of fact or law, or for anything which it may do or refrain from doing hereinafter, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence.